Video Library
Our extensive collection of video clips provides you with all there is to know about Bill360’s industry-leading AR automation platform. You can watch demonstrations of our software, hear stories from real Bill360 customers, and recap the industry events and trade shows where we’ve exhibited, hosted panels, and showcased our innovative AR automation and payments solution.
Check out our videos below. And come back often as new videos and demos are added frequently!

Dive into the Bill360 Video Library and discover why we’re the preferred choice for B2B companies looking to automate their AR process and elevate their business.
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Explainer Videos
Product Demo

AR Automation for B2B CompaniesEliminate late payments and increase cash flow with one of the only AR automation platforms created specifically for small to medium-sized B2B companies.

Bill360 Platform - OverviewGet an overview of Bill360's innovative AR automation and payments platform. See how our unique technology will help your company save time, reduce costs, and get paid faster.

Bill360 Platform - Payment HistoryGain a complete view of your customers' payment histories and sort by categories like date, payment method, customer details, invoice specifics, payment amounts, and payment status.

Bill360 Platform - Your CustomersImprove customer service with real-time chat and a self-service portal that lets customers set up and manage their own digital wallets.

Bill360 Platform - InvoicesGet complete visibility into your invoices, including those that are paid or are expected to arrive within the next 30 days.

Bill360 Platform - RemindersCreate and customize email reminders and workflows to ensure your customers are notified as soon as an invoice is ready or when it’s past due.

Bill360 Platform - ReportsAccess crucial financial data and dig into detailed breakdowns of payments received, settled payments by date, and more. Learn payment trends and make smart, well-informed financial decisions.

Bill360 Platform - The DashboardGet accurate, real-time monitoring of crucial metrics such as DSO (Days Sales Outstanding) and AR aging, as well as a visual breakdown of your customers’ payment methods.

Bill360 Platform - SettingsExperience full autonomy of your profile by incorporating your company’s logo, personalizing emails with a signature, and determining who can access the Bill360 platform.

Bill360 Platform - Full DemonstrationDiscover the features and benefits of the Bill360 AR automation platform in this comprehensive product demonstration.

The Dangers of Check FraudListen to Nevada Gump, investigator with the US Department of Homeland Security, describe the risks to companies who still accept paper checks from their customers.

See How AR Automation Helped a Marketing AgencyThe Founder & CEO of WiT Group explains how Bill360 helped reduce swipe fees, save time, and drop DSO by nearly 90% while increasing cash flow.

How Bill360 Helps B2B CompaniesListen to Josh Mangum talk about how Bill360 helps B2B companies decrease costs, increase efficiencies, and strengthen cash flow.

Bill360 Partner ProgramLearn how Bill360's Partner Program can help you generate a new recurring revenue stream while setting your clients up for success.

Bill360 Helped My BusinessHear from several customers as they describe improvements to their businesses once they started using Bill360.